Four Ways to Avoid—Not Evade—Taxes
When it comes to lowering your tax bill—something nearly all entrepreneurs want to do—it’s crucial to make sure you’re avoiding taxes, not evading them.
3 Costly Mistakes the Super Rich Don’t Make
These mistakes can trip up investors and families at any level of wealth. The upshot: You can potentially do yourself and your wealth a big favor by learning what the Super Rich don’t do with their money! Here are three of the biggest financial blunders that the Super Rich consistently sidestep.
A Single Family Office Option for the “Merely Affluent”
The single-family office is often the preferred way for the exceptionally wealthy among us to coordinate the full range of their financial and personal affairs—from the mundane to the deeply complex.
Are You Overinsured? Don’t Make This Costly Mistake
Guess what? You may be sitting on life insurance you no longer need—a lot of it, potentially. With some digging and the right analysis, it’s possible you could free up significant sums of money.
Stress Test Your Financial Plans Like a Billionaire
Essentially, stress testing is asking “what if …?” It’s looking at a range of possible scenarios and outcomes, pushing those scenarios to their breaking points, weighing viable solutions, and choosing plans that are most likely to deliver as desired.
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